Monday, February 15, 2010

Here goes Monday

Well, I know my one lone follower had been dying to get my update, so Jackie, here we go!

Since last week, I went to my fourth John Mayer concert. He was great, as always, but getting weirder by the day. The concert made some national press as he literally broke down crying during a random venting session...and...considering some of the horrible comments he's had in the media lately, I agree with John...SHUT UP and Just play your guitar...Wow..Strange, sexy man.

Any how, the ladies who went were fun. We ate at Whiskey Kitchen in Nashville beforehand. It was a trendy, quaint, cool place that had a great, affordable menu. In honor of Whiskey, I drank Washington Apple Martinis and oooo they were delish. We all got different appetizers and it was yummy! Fried green tomatoes, artichoke and sun dried tomato pizza, nachos, spinach dip, seafood mix, chicken bites and sweet potato fries! OMG! Here is a pic of us at WK. It is so fun to laugh with women who are in different stages of life. I don't know them all really personally but it was a blast! And here is Johnny boy (I feel after 4 concerts, I can call him that).

Getting home at 1 a.m. was worth it (and so was being called Cougars as we were leaving the show). Thursday was a long day but Friday was around the corner. We celebrated my mom's birthday on Thursday. In true Simpson family chaos style; we dined at Steak and Shake which is about all that 3 kids under 7 can handle. I splurged and bought Gigi's cupcakes in lieu of a cake...and due to the price, I made sure everyone ate one or at least licked on one. Whew. In deed those will be reserved for very special occasions.
This weekend was really nice. My parents and brother and his crew left for Gaitlinburg so we knew we would have a quiet weekend here in BG. Well, quiet if you consider three dogs trying to fight and hump each other (we had my parents dog). Wow...Friday night we rented Love Happens which was alright. Saturday we met Chad's cousins and brother/sister-in-law and bowled. It was fun to bowl one set and then gab with Rachel for another! We went to Mariah's bar that night to just get out of the 3 dog house. Eddie tried to 'romanticize' Jayla as long as we could stand it....
Valentine's Day was Sunday, as you know. I've never been a bit fan of Vday. I feel like it makes women look needy and the focus somehow shifts from expressing love to expressing the want for your mate to be a SEXY VIXEN. Yah, not for me. When Chad and I met, I decided that I would make us a really nice meal. Candles and all. I have kept that up and really enjoy it. I was telling him last night that around January 1st I start to wonder what I'm going to cook but then as if fate would have it - the recipes just pop up. We dined on:
Chicken Breasts stuffed w/ artichokes, sun dried tomatoes and Parmesan
Asparagus w/ olive oil and salt/pepper
Couscous (Thank you Jackie)
Cresent Rolls
Chocolate Mousse Torte
Pinot Grigio (used for cooking and drinking).
I found Jackie's delish dessert on her blog and then she helped recommend the other side dish. Thank you dear friend!
For the first time I pounded chicken and was not a fan. Seeing the juices splatter everywhere took me into GERM PHOB ALERT...Chad had to take over and I just agreed to wipe everything down. Even the coffee pot. You never know :)
We really enjoyed the meal and our exchange of cards and small gifts. Isn't it funny how really a card can be the best gift? It was nice to look at him over the candlelight and really not have to say much but know it was all being said.
We also went to see Dear John yesterday. I'm not a Nicholas Sparks book fan; but the movie was really sweet. I recommend.
So...It's almost lunchtime on Monday. WHOOHOO! More snow....but a slow day. Clearly I don't function as well with to many slow days!
Off to speak to a College Public Relations group tonight. No doubt I'll end up feeling like I'm 40. I was already stressing about what jeans to wear this a.m. Our intern just told me I was OK. Whew.
Workout Log (something new I'm adding): 30 min. on treadmill

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