Friday, March 5, 2010

Another Year Older, Not Sure if Wiser.

Apparently the last time I posted was in February. That seems so long ago. In fact, I just turned my calendar back to see what my excuse could be. So, since Feb. 22nd, what has life produced...

A crazy busy week the week of Feb. 22nd...Yes, I remember it. I was on the road most of the week before and that week. Yes, it's all coming back. It was so busy in fact that by Saturday at noon I was in the bed with a headache and fever. Apparently my body was tired of all that running around. However, by Sunday the Birthday week celebrations were about to begin. Sunday we went to my in-laws for a Bday lunch and I was able to see my sister-in-law and dear friend which is always fun. She gave me the cutest little basket of fun stuff; the best being this awesome wine glass that says, "I'm Party Trained." Yes, I love it. I got a great Target gift card from my in-laws so Spring shopping is on the horizon.

Enter the month of March. Monday and Tuesday were busy but good. My birthday is on the 3rd but we did my families celebration on Tuesday night because my other sister in law wouldn't have been able to join us on Wednesday night. Traditionally my mom cooks my favorites; shrimp fettucini and strawberry cake with strawberry icing (all homemade) but with 3 neices and nephews, everyone working - it was just easier to go out. Chad had 3 volleyball games so he was only able to join us for beverages but I looked forward to us celebrating solo on the 3rd. (do you see all the 3's?). We had a good dinner at Red Lobster - the 24 year old waiter flirting with me made it all the better. Who turned 27? Not me :) It was fun. After that everyone fled but Mom wanted me to come over for cake and gifts. Just my parents and me. It was good; I was tired and the cake was store-bought. Oh well! It's not about me anymore! I got some cute spring clothes and gift cards...again...Spring shopping is on the horizon!

March 3rd marked my 27th birthday. I generally stay very low key on my birthday. Why extra attention. However, I am learning that this is the one day it is about you - so I decided to try to embrace it a bit more this year. Yes. It. Is. My. Birthday. Luckily it is also my best friend Kelley's birthday too. It's so heartwarming to wake up and know we both share such a special bond on this day. Last year we celebrated by my visiting her in Ohio. We shopped. We ate. We drank...We will be doing all of the above this May for our celebration!

My day started differently than I imagined. I imagined Chad cooking me breakfast...considering he had the 3 games the night before, he slept in the guest bedroom as he typically can't wind down from the games until into the wee hours of the a.m. I had also volunteered to take a child to school for a family I have babysat for I was up and at 'em and playing Mom by 7:20 a.m. Their actual mom left me a cute gift so that was fun. My co-workers took me to lunch, Facebook sent me all kids of Bday wishes and my phone beeped all day. I felt loved! I got home, ready to have a great meal with Chad only to find him on the couch not feeling well. FANTASTIC. He rallied (thank god) and cooked an incredible meal of crab legs (which we devoured) and shrimp fettuccine...paired with bread and RELAX Riesling. OMG. Heaven. In bed by 9;30 -even better! It was a good day :)

The rest of the week has been good. We have our first work fundraiser of the year tomorrow. It's supposed to be sunny and almost 60 here. Everyone is on a sun -high. It's time for some SUNSHINE!

Chad has a game tonight. I feel like I'm 47 going to my husbands game on a Friday night.

27...what will you bring? Growing up - 27 was the magical, cool age in my head. I can remember writing short stories in 4th grade about being 27. Driving a red jeep wrangler, crusing around, dating someone with a name like Drew. Who knows. I told Chad this and he asked if I wanted to be in a red wrangler, babysitting and dating. No, I don't think I do - but what can I do to make 27 different? 26 was a great year professionally. I got married. I won two awards. It was fantastic. Now am I entering the mommy hood era? Is that going to be my next claim to fame? I guess when I'm 100% ready and ready to accept that, it will be great. Until then, I'm wondering what can I do to make this year a great year? I have everything I could ever want - relatively speaking. There are small things I'd like but don't have to have. Chad is fantastic to me. My family and friends are amazing. My sister-in-law is expecting. I am on the edge of still feeling young and independent and realizing life changes are soon to be expected.

Until them, I'm taking it a day at a time and trying to be thankful for where God has put me.

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